LiteRT in Google Play services runtime lets you run machine learning (ML) models without statically bundling LiteRT libraries into your app. This guide provide instructions on how to use the C or C++ APIs for Google Play services.
Before working with the LiteRT in Google Play services C API or C++ API, make sure you have the CMake build tool installed.
Update your build configuration
(1) Add the following dependencies to your app project code to access the Play services API for LiteRT:
implementation ""
Note that although the package name ends in -java
, that package also contains
the C and C++ APIs.
(2) Then, enable the Prefab feature to access the C API from your CMake script by updating the android block of your module's build.gradle file:
buildFeatures {
prefab = true
(3) [C++ API only] If you are using the C++ API, copy
into your project, in your app
directory, and add the following to the start
of your app's gradle script (e.g. app/build.gradle
apply from: 'tflite-java-extract-cpp-sdk.gradle'
This contains Gradle code to automatically unpack the C++ SDK from the
AAR file for play-services-tflite-java
(4) [C++ API only] If you are using the C++ API, find the directory that
contains your app's CMake config file (normally CMakeLists.txt
); that
directory is normally your app/src/main/cpp
directory. Then copy
into your project, in a new Modules
subdirectory of that directory.
This contains code that finds the C++ SDK unpacked by the Gradle script in
the previous step.
(5) You finally need to add the package tensorflowlite_jni_gms_client
, and
for the C++ API also the package tflite_cc_api
, both of which are imported
from the AAR, as dependencies in your CMake script:
find_package(tensorflowlite_jni_gms_client REQUIRED CONFIG) # Set up C/C++ compiler flags to enable use of TFLite in Play services # (rather than regular TFLite bundled with the app). add_compile_definitions(TFLITE_IN_GMSCORE) add_compile_definitions(TFLITE_WITH_STABLE_ABI) target_link_libraries(tflite-jni # your JNI lib target tensorflowlite_jni_gms_client::tensorflowlite_jni_gms_client android # other deps for your target log)
# Set up TFLite in Play services C API (tensorflowlite_jni_gms_client) dependency. find_package(tensorflowlite_jni_gms_client REQUIRED CONFIG) # Set up TFLite in Play services C++ API (tflite_cc_api) dependency. list(PREPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Modules") find_package(tflite_cc_api REQUIRED MODULE) include_directories(${tflite_cc_api_INCLUDE_DIR}) add_subdirectory(${tflite_cc_api_DIR} tflite_cc_api_build) # Set up C/C++ compiler flags to enable use of TFLite in Play services # (rather than regular TFLite bundled with the app). add_compile_definitions(TFLITE_IN_GMSCORE) add_compile_definitions(TFLITE_WITH_STABLE_ABI) target_link_libraries(tflite-jni # your JNI lib target tflite_cc_api::tflite_cc_api tensorflowlite_jni_gms_client::tensorflowlite_jni_gms_client android # other deps for your target log)
Initialize the LiteRT runtime
Before calling the LiteRT C or C++ API you must initialize the
runtime in your Java or Kotlin code.
Task tfLiteInitializeTask = TfLiteNative.initialize(context);
val tfLiteInitializeTask: Task= TfLiteNative.initialize(context)
Using the Google Play services Task API, TfLiteNative.initialize
asynchronously loads the TFLite runtime from Google Play services into your
application's runtime process. Use addOnSuccessListener()
to make sure the
task completes before executing code that accesses
LiteRT APIs. Once the task has completed successfully, you can invoke
all the available TFLite Native APIs.
Native code implementation
To use LiteRT in Google Play services with your C/C++ code, you can do one (or both) of the following:
- declare new JNI functions to call C or C++ functions from your Java code
- call the LiteRT Native API from your existing C or C++ code.
JNI functions
You can declare new JNI functions to make the LiteRT runtime declared in C/C++ code accessible to your Java/Kotlin code as follow:
package; public class TfLiteJni { static { System.loadLibrary("tflite-jni"); } public TfLiteJni() { /**/ }; public native void loadModel(AssetManager assetManager, String assetName); public native float[] runInference(float[] input); // For example. }
package class TfLiteJni() { companion object { init { System.loadLibrary("tflite-jni") } } external fun loadModel(assetManager: AssetManager, assetName: String) external fun runInference(input: FloatArray): FloatArray // For example. }
Matching the following loadModel
and runInference
C or C++ functions:
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void Java_com_google_samples_gms_tflite_c_loadModel(
JNIEnv *env, jobject tflite_jni, jobject asset_manager, jstring asset_name){
jfloatArray Java_com_google_samples_gms_tflite_c_TfLiteJni_runInference(
JNIEnv* env, jobject tfliteJni, jfloatArray input) {
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C".
You can then call your C/C++ functions from your Java/Kotlin code:
tfLiteHandleTask.onSuccessTask(unused -> { TfLiteJni jni = new TfLiteJni(); jni.loadModel(getAssets(), "add.bin"); //... });
tfLiteHandleTask.onSuccessTask { val jni = TfLiteJni() jni.loadModel(assets, "add.bin") // ... }
LiteRT in native code
Include the appropriate API header file to include the LiteRT with Google Play services API:
#include "tensorflow/lite/c/c_api.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/interpreter.h" #include "tensorflow/lite/model_builder.h"
You can then use the regular LiteRT C or C++ API:
TfLiteModel* model = TfLiteModelCreate(model_asset, model_asset_length); // ... TfLiteInterpreterOptions* options = TfLiteInterpreterOptionsCreate(); // ... TfLiteInterpreter* interpreter = TfLiteInterpreterCreate(model, options);
// Load the model. auto model = tflite::FlatBufferModel::VerifyAndBuildFromBuffer( model_asset, model_asset_length); ... // Initialize the interpreter. BuiltinOpResolver op_resolver; InterpreterBuilder interpreter_builder(*model, op_resolver); interpreter_builder(&interpreter); std::unique_ptr<Interpreter>` interpreter; interpreter_builder(&interpreter);
Supported APIs
The LiteRT with Google Play services C API headers provide the same API as the regular LiteRT C API, excluding features that are deprecated or experimental. For now the functions and types from the following headers are available.
TensorFlow Lite APIs
tensorflow/lite/c/c_api.h tensorflow/lite/c/c_api_types.h
TensorFlow Lite Extension APIs
tensorflow/lite/c/c_api_opaque.h tensorflow/lite/c/common.h tensorflow/lite/c/builtin_op_data.h tensorflow/lite/builtin_ops.h
Delegate plug-in APIs for using existing delegates:
tensorflow/lite/acceleration/configuration/c/gpu_plugin.h tensorflow/lite/acceleration/configuration/c/xnnpack_plugin.h
Please note that functions from the c_api_experimental.h
are not supported.
You can use functions specific to LiteRT with Google Play services by including the following header:
The LiteRT with Google Play services C++ API headers provide the same API as the regular LiteRT C++ API, excluding features that are deprecated or experimental, and with a few minor exceptions noted later in this section. The functionality from the following headers is available:
tensorflow/lite/model_builder.h tensorflow/lite/interpreter_builder.h tensorflow/lite/interpreter.h tensorflow/lite/signature_runner.h tensorflow/lite/acceleration/configuration/delegate_registry.h tensorflow/lite/kernels/builtin_op_kernels.h tensorflow/lite/kernels/register.h tensorflow/lite/tools/verifier.h
For tensorflow/lite/interpreter.h
, the supported API with Play
services excludes a few members of tflite::Interpreter
for which
LiteRT does not offer a stable ABI:
Interpreter::variables() Interpreter::nodes_size() Interpreter::node_and_registration(int node_index) Interpreter::kTensorsReservedCapacity Interpreter::kTensorsCapacityHeadroom Interpreter::OpProfilingString(const TfLiteRegistration&, const TfLiteNode*) Interpreter::SetExternalContext(TfLiteExternalContextType type, TfLiteExternalContext* ctx)